I was interviewed by Vox Feminae, and they dedicated a lovely article to The Vulva Gallery and its mission. Thank you Jasna!
Find the article HERE.
I was interviewed by Vox Feminae, and they dedicated a lovely article to The Vulva Gallery and its mission. Thank you Jasna!
Find the article HERE.
Find the article HERE.
Find the article HERE.
Find the article HERE.
I was interviewed by c-rte bl-nche about The Vulva Gallery, which led to a beautifully written piece by Eveline Briand (in Dutch!). Thank you Eveline for dedicating attention to body diversity!
Find the article HERE.
Find the publication HERE.
Find the publication HERE.
Find the publication HERE.
Find the publication HERE.
I was interviewed by Polyster Zine about my work with The Vulva Gallery. Find the article HERE.