When I was younger I never considered I might have unique labia minora. It wasn't until I started going through puberty and becoming more sexually active that I realized just how unique it was. Most of the time my sexual partners wouldn't say anything about the way it looked. I took special care to shave it bare almost every day from 15 years old until about 30. I had a partner who really challenged my views of my vulva, the hair and the size of my labia. She told me it looked like I had children, which I hadn't and if I had the size of my labia would have nothing to do with that. And she made it clear to me that she associated pubic hair with dirtiness. I didn't take what she said too personally and knew that she just hadn't seen a lot of vulvae. I made a point after this to explore and research the uniqueness of the female anatomy and to really start embracing my body hair and my voluptuous labia. Now more than ever I feel sexy and confident, with or without hair. It's been a journey learning how to love my Yoni fully. I may have off days but most days I feel beautiful. Your art and this page has really helped me with body positivity and has allowed me to connect with other women in a beautiful way. I enjoy seeing the diversity and celebrating my fellow empresses as they stand in their Yoni power.
K. -