When I was a little child I thought that I was the only person who had a vulva like mine. I didn't know that the part in between the inner labia was the clitoris. In in the locker room of the swimming pool I had only seen vulvas without the inner labia visible. I remember that I prayed God to change my vulva. My cousin (a boy) told me, after seeing my vulva and my cousin's vulva, that mine was strange. Growing up and learning about the female anatomy, my vision has changed. Even if I hear negative comments from boys and girls about some vulvas that they saw (and also hearing concerns from girls about their vulva), it doesn't hit me so much any more. Now I have a boyfriend who totally changed my consideration about my body and I love it. I appreciate your work and in general the work of artists like you, that celebrate the diversity of the female anatomy.
R. - 20 years old