I discovered your work recently and I really love what you do. I never really was concerned about my vulva, even when I discovered porn at a young age. But since I began dating guys and having a sexual life I understood there where vulvas considered "beautiful" and others "ugly" and I thought that was really unfair. I apparently have a "perfect pussy", [as my vulva shape is considered in the popular media / mainstream porn, red.] so I guess I should consider myself lucky. But I still think it's awful to rate vulvas by there appearances and I don't need a man's "seal of approval" on mine. I personally like my vulva, and decorated it 3 years ago because I wanted to. I also have a ring on my inner labia that is hidden most of the time since I have really really small inner labia. When I told my friends some of them told me that it's too bad to pierce "such a perfect pussy" and I find that very revealing of the pressure put on women in our society. But I like my pussy this way so I don't care what people think.
A. - 28 years old