I decided to get my clitoral hood pierced about 8 months ago. Though, I’ve never been a fan of genital piercings in general, I stumbled upon VCH piercings, got obsessed and went and got it done. I’ve always loved how my vulva looks and the idea of adorning my clit with jewellery is amazing to me. I’m glad that I’m one of the seemingly few people who is proud and infatuated with her own vulva. It breaks my heart when I hear people disparaging their vulvas, especially when the root of their insecurity comes from some stupid comment that a man has made about it, but I also understand because I’ve suffered from body dysmorphia and anorexia. Ironically, my vulva is one of the few parts of my body that I am perfectly comfortable with. I understand what it’s like to desperately seek validation in pictures of other people’s bodies because somewhere along the line, we’ve all been made to feel abnormal in our own skin.
C. - 26 years old