Growing up in a household with a mother that was always walking around naked, I found comfort in being able to do so in front of my peers. It wasn’t until 4th grade, when one of my friends pointed out that I already had pubic hair (as I was an early bloomer.) From then on, I was extremely self conscious about having any hair down there. On top of struggling with some body issues, I thought I was some sort of freak. Having this “fat” vulva and shave bumps, from constantly trying to make sure I was “clean shaven” 100% of the time. It wasn’t until I reached the age of 15, where I was becoming sexually active, that it really did occur to me that I was no longer shaving for my own comfort, but for someone else’s.
As the years progressed, I found solace in the arms of partners who praised my vulva. They found my larger outer lips to be “cute.” While I was so busy being worried I was deformed from having next to no inner labia and a much more prominent outer labia; I never had someone think I was anything less than normal. Best of all, a single partner once asked me to grow out my pubic hair. He told me “it would only make you that much more of the naturally beautiful woman, that you are.” Since then, I have never looked back, as those words, almost 4 years later have stuck with me. It’s amazing what one comment can impress on a young one’s mind. And what liberating yourself sexually, can do to your self confidence (when with those who respect your body.) I am now 24 years old, and I can honestly say that I have never loved my body more, just the way it is. I am so thankful for the people who reminded me how unique every vulva is, and how beautiful they all are, in their own way. These bodies we were gifted are for us, and those we choose to welcome anywhere near it. Treat it with kindness and remember what a powerful gift having a vulva is.
T. - 24 years old