My whole life I have noticed that one of my inner labia was darker than the other and slightly larger. I spent most of my life ignoring what I had down there until I was old enough to realize touching myself felt good - and even then I didn't really know how to properly explore the foreign land between my legs. I realized around the age of 15 that my labia minora were not built the same. That was around the time I had sex for the first time and I quickly became embarrassed of the uneven colour once my boyfriend noticed it as well. I was terrified. First thinking that something was wrong with me, and then (after research and sarcastic assurance from my doctor) I simply concluded that I just had an ugly pussy and would have to live with it. Looking in the mirror I was saddened to see that after years of my body changing, the darker labia still stuck out (more or less) like a sore thumb. Growing into my twenties, I started began learning that while I loved sex and masturbating, I could not have an orgasm. I knew what an orgasm was meant to feel like and therefore knew FOR SURE that I wasn't having them. 10 long years went by of faking it (sometimes even with myself). It wasn't until one night, alone in my room I began exploring my vulva in a way I never had before. I began paying attention to the outcast labia that I had spent so many years hating. The black sheep of my vagina, if you will. I finally gave her the love she craved all my sexual life. And through patient care I finally, at 25 years of age, had my first ORGASM. It began the beautiful relationship I share with that labia still. She has grown from being my most hated quality to my most reliable partner in sexual crime - being responsible for my ability to have multiple orgasms, and mind blowing sex. My larger, darker, slightly wrinklier left labia minora - how I love thee and thank thee for all your faithful service. I regret that I wasted so many years googling how to cosmetically "fix" you and make you look like your less impressive twin sister. Now I know that my pussy, ugly or not, is a blessing even in all of it's imperfections.
E. - 25 years old