All my adult life, I have been super self-conscious about the appearance of my vulva when all it is really, is completely normal! Humans always worry about "being different", right? When I was about ten or eleven years old at summer camp and my "front bum" was just a neat little line, I remember catching a glimpse of an older girl with what I now know were visible clitoral hood and labia, and worried then that there was something I must be missing down there. When I grew, and became sexually active, I started to worry the other way... you hear things said just generally that are mean and derogatory (basically by little boys who've clearly experienced nothing except too much plastic porn) and you think "that's me, they're also describing me!!" and you convince yourself that there is something incredibly unattractive about you. I thought that I was so hideous down there that I could only enjoy oral sex in certain positions, as I felt some made my bits "stick out more" and "look even worse". This gallery is ace and has helped me fully believe something I've known all along really - that my vulva is beautiful just the way she is. So thank you so much, especially since I enjoy sex even more now! To go full circle on the shower flashback: I saw a woman at the gym the other day who was really putting her pretty prominent lady-bits proudly on show while moisturising her thighs. She was beautiful, her vulva was beautiful, and I thought: YES!!! This is the new era!!!
B. - 32 years old