I am a post-op transgender woman. This is my vulva, crafted from formerly male genitals. My labia majora are made of what used to be my scrotum. My clitoris is made from the glans/tip of the penis, and retains all sensation. My vagina itself was made by the surgeon cutting a channel through my pelvic floor muscles, then lining that incision with the skin of my penis shaft. Of course my urethra had to be repositioned, as well.
I try very hard to educate people about transgender women when I am able. I educate formally on transgender awareness. Each semester I speak at a local community (2 year) college, speak more or less annually at a nearby university, and have driven as far as 1,400 kilometers round trip to speak at universities on the western coast of the United States. Generally, especially in the university setting, people greet my story with support. However, I would be lying if I were to tell you that everybody does so. I feel as though I need to work to create the world I wish to live in. And as my daughter has recently come out as lesbian, I'm working to make the world a better place for her, as well. Despite what the world is being shown by the "leader" currently in power here, there are many of us desperately trying to make this world a better place, not worse. I would be honored if you were to paint my vulva and show it in the Vulva Gallery!